The 104th Phoenix VFBS is the home of the world’s most active international virtual fighter-bomber squadron. Formed in March of 2006 by Ed “Manawar” Green and Paul “PoleCat” Johnston, the Phoenix has winged its way into history!
The 104th was built on the foundations of three important pillars “Honor, Excellence, and Integrity”. Every member is thoroughly tested to reflect these qualities before ever putting on the highly respected and honored tag of the 104th! We demand the highest standards of our officers emphasizing a high-quality personality, strong piloting skill-sets and sense of fair play. Unlike most other squadrons, the 104th is strongly versed in all the aircraft that DCS has to offer.
The 104th Phoenix VFBS persisted through the years flying on the wings of the McDonnell Douglas (Boeing) F-15C. Considered to be one of the most dominant fighters in the world, the 104th sored into history making us one of the most formidable online squadrons. However, a new area has arrived!
The 104th Phoenix’s new primary aircraft is the Boeing F/A-18 Hornet. This all-weather, multi-role combat jet, designed both as a Fighter and an Attack aircraft, is now our weapon of choice. The Phoenix is reborn and now lives on the carrier! Naval operations are the next step in the evolution of our squadron. We welcome you to fly with us on our public multiplayer server.

C.W. Lemoine
C.W. Lemoine reacts to Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown! This is a funny but honest reaction to Ace Combat 7. People really wanted to know how realistic this game is..

Blue Angels and Thunderbirds
Fly Together Over New York City The US Navy Blue Angels and US Air Force Thunderbirds performed a very rare joint flyover above New York City, Trenton, Newark, and Philadelphia

Top Gun Reaction
Fight Pilot Comments on realism. Somethings are CGI and somethings are real. Can you tell the difference? This real life fighter pilot breaks it all down. He also offers some
Honor Excellence Integrity
Honor Excellence and Integrity are the pillars of which the 104th Phoenix are built upon. We strive to positively impact our flight-sim community by providing the most comprehensive multiplayer experience available. We have a very active and dedicated international squadron that is the cornerstone of who we are. We take pride in providing one of the most challenging PVP servers since 2006! Join in!