Do you have what it takes to join our ranks?


Recruiting Requirements

To be eligible for recruitment within the 104th Phoenix you must meet certain basic but essential hardware requirements.  All applicants must have :

  • A good working computer that is able to optimally run DCS. 
  • A good working HOTAS (Hands On Throttle and Stick)
  • A solid internet connection to our DCS server. (Pings of 270 or more are not acceptable)
  • (Installed) DCS World Beta  w/ modules including the L39 Albatros,  F-15C Aircraft & F-18C

Skills Prerequisite

Every candidate will have to pass a minimum proficiency test before being allowed into the squadron at the rank of cadet. These skills are:

  • Knowledge of basic gauges and instruments.
  • Properly performing a full rampstart
  • Safe Taxi, Take Off and landing procedures.
*You will need to be able to demonstrate these skills to a qualified instructor. *

The Application

We open our ranks for recruitment no more than twice per year. When recruitment is open, we typically will inform the community through the recruitment thread on our forum.  All instructions must be followed to the letter. There will be some tasks that you will be required to do online as well as offline. (*Tip) Accuracy is key! Read all documentation carefully. Submit your request by contacting us on our discord.

Commanders Note

What makes the 104th Phoenix VFBS successful is hidden within the heart and personality of its membership. It is no secret that we are a group of aviation enthusiasts, but most importantly we all connect as friends. Your personality must be a fit within our squadron as well. You must display good, solid character, a positive personality and a willingness to help or volunteer. Also, you must enjoy the challenge that DCS brings. It is critical that you are willing to learn and enjoy the simulation as a team.

Having said  that , it does take time for us to figure that you are a good fit for our squadron. We achieve that through training, events and everyday online interaction.  This does take time and everyone must be patient with the process.  Everyone within the 104th has done all that is necessary to join over the years. The process is challenging but well worth the reward!

Are you ready for the challenge?

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